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UNProfor 1995
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Five Hundred and Seven Mechanical Movements - H. Brown (1871)
The first tiles are on the wall !
1000 Dinar Bill, Bosnia Hercegovina 1992
The dimensions of the ambulance
The BHP with parked ambulances
C-NLT-cie Majoor Rob van Wijngaarden
Drilling the holes with an angle > 90 degrees
Hotel Jugoslavija, Belgrade, 1
The gimbal under development on the bench in the laboratory
Scans of cover comic book "De Blauwhelmen": back
Accident with 10 ton truck, 2
Saccharimeter 005
UNProfor, 1995
Mechanical adding machine sold to collector
ATV with differential GPS
Software used for this website
Photos of Bleeker metallurgy microscope added
7 Hermes
Wooden corner profiles
Guyana's embassy in Brussels (Belgium), 2, closeup